Carangsari Village and the Effectiveness of Establishing a Tourist Village University General

I Gusti Ngurah Eddy Suryadinata is interested in the conditions of tourism supporting facilities, such as homestays, art shops, and information centres, in Carangsari Village. His study discusses the effectiveness of determining a tourism village. It investigated the condition of the supporting facilities before and after being designated. The significance is analyzed by three aspects: goal achievement, integration, and adaptation. Goal achievement is implemented by time and targets. Cooperation between tourist villages, socialization, communication and promotion creates integration. Adaptation is made by adjusting activities or programs to the environmental situation of Carangsari Village. The result shows that the designation as a tourist village was not effective enough to develop tourism support facilities in Carangsari Village.

Name:  I Gusti Ngurah Eddy Suryadinata (1981811031)

Thesis Title: The Effectiveness of Tourism Villages Determination on the Tourism Support Facilities Development in Carangsari Village, Badung Regency.

Supervisors: 1) Prof. Dr. Ir. Syamsul Alam Paturusi, MSP.; 2) Dr. Ir. I Made Adhika, MSP.

Internal Examiners: 1) Prof. Gusti Ayu Made Suartika, ST., MEngSc., Ph.D; 2) Dr. Ir. Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, ST., SDs., MA, IPU, ASEAN Eng.; 3) Dr. Tri Anggraini Prajnawrdhi, ST., MT., MURP.